1. Collins Drive Auburn Ca

Peter John Collins (6 November 1931 – 3 August 1958) was a British racing driver. He was killed in the 1958 German Grand Prix, just weeks after winning the RAC British Grand Prix. He started his career as a 17-year-old in 1949, impressing in Formula 3 races, finishing third in the 1951 Autosport National Formula 3 Championship. Wherever center drills are used, Collis Drivers will provide accuracy and durability. The unused end of the center drill is protected by the design of the driver. The positive drive style holder provides an off center spline hole in the bore which allows a positive drive using the flutes and thus protecting the cutting edge and the tip.

Heavy Duty Tap DriversThese holders provide a positive and accurate means of driving larger sized taps without slippage or tap damage. Square shank of tap engages in square drive socket. Three equally spaced set screws position tap in holder.

Item #Item NameTap SizeMorse Taper ShankBody Dia. (A)Body Proj. (B)Tap Chank Dia.Tap Shank SquareDepth Tap Enters
70301Hand Tap3/4 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.590 in.0.442 in.1.38 in.
70302Hand Tap7/8 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.697 in.0.523 in.1.50 in.
70303Hand Tap1 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.800 in.0.600 in.1.63 in.
70304Hand Tap1 1/8 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.896 in.0.672 in.1.75 in.
70305Hand Tap1 1/4 in.31 7/8 in.2 15/16 in.1.021 in.0.766 in.2.19 in.
70306Hand Tap1 3/8 in.31 7/8 in.2 15/16 in.1.108 in.0.831 in.2.25 in.
70307Hand Tap1 1/2 in.32 in.2 15/16 in.1.233 in.0.925 in.2.31 in.
70308Hand Tap5/8 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.480 in.0.360 in.1.44 in.
70331Pipe Tap3/4 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.906 in.0.679 in.1.38 in.
70332Pipe Tap1 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.1.125 in.0.843 in.1.63 in.
70333Pipe Tap3/8 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.700 in.0.531 in.1.13 in.
70334Pipe Tap1/2 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.687 in.0.515 in.1.31 in.
70335Pipe Tap1/4 in.31 3/4 in.2 5/16 in.0.562 in.0.421 in.1.00 in.
70401Hand Tap3/4 in.41 3/4 in.2 3/8 in.0.590 in.0.442 in.1.38 in.
70402Hand Tap7/8 in.41 3/4 in.2 3/8 in.0.697 in.0.523 in.1.50 in.
70403Hand Tap1 in.41 3/4 in.2 3/8 in.0.800 in.0.600 in.1.63 in.
70404Hand Tap1 1/8 in.41 3/4 in.2 3/8 in.0.896 in.0.672 in.1.75 in.
70405Hand Tap1 1/4 in.41 7/8 in.3 in.1.021 in.0.766 in.2.19 in.
70406Hand Tap1 3/8 in.41 7/8 in.3 in.1.108 in.0.831 in.2.25 in.
70407Hand Tap1 1/2 in.42 in.3 in.1.233 in.0.925 in.2.31 in.
70408Hand Tap1 5/8 in.42 1/4 in.3 1/4 in.1.305 in.0.979 in.2.38 in.
70409Hand Tap1 3/4 in.42 1/2 in.3 1/4 in.1.430 in.1.072 in.2.38 in.
70410Hand Tap1 7/8 in.42 1/2 in.3 1/4 in.1.519 in.1.139 in.2.50 in.
70411Hand Tap2 in.42 1/2 in.3 3/8 in.1.644 in.1.233 in.2.50 in.
70441Pipe Tap3/4 in.41 3/4 in.2 3/8 in.0.906 in.0.679 in.1.63 in.
70442Pipe Tap1 in.41 7/8 in.2 3/8 in.1.125 in.0.843 in.1.75 in.
70443Pipe Tap1 1/4 in.42 1/4 in.2 15/16 in.1.312 in.0.984 in.2.00 in.
70444Pipe Tap1 1/2 in.42 1/2 in.2 15/16 in.1.500 in.1.125 in.2.25 in.
70445Pipe Tap1 3/4 in.42 1/2 in.3 1/4 in.1.625 in.1.218 in.2.38 in.
70446Pipe Tap2 in.43 in.3 5/8 in.1.875 in.1.406 in.2.50 in.
70501Hand Tap1 1/2 in.52 5/8 in.3 1/4 in.1.233 in.0.925 in.2.31 in.
70502Hand Tap1 5/8 in.52 5/8 in.3 1/4 in.1.305 in.0.979 in.2.38 in.
70503Hand Tap1 3/4 in.52 5/8 in.3 1/4 in.1.430 in.1.072 in.2.38 in.
70504Hand Tap1 7/8 in.52 5/8 in.3 1/4 in.1.519 in.1.139 in.2.50 in.
70505Hand Tap2 in.52 3/4 in.3 3/4 in.1.644 in.1.233 in.2.63 in.
70506Hand Tap2 1/8 in.52 3/4 in.3 3/4 in.1.769 in.1.327 in.3.00 in.
70507Hand Tap2 1/4 in.53 in.4 5/16 in.1.894 in.1.420 in.3.13 in.
70508Hand Tap2 3/8 in.53 in.4 5/16 in.2.019 in.1.514 in.3.38 in.
70509Hand Tap2 1/2 in.53 3/8 in.4 5/8 in.2.100 in.1.575 in.3.50 in.
70510Hand Tap2 5/8 in.53 3/8 in.4 5/8 in.2.225 in.1.669 in.3.50 in.
70511Hand Tap2 3/4 in.53 9/16 in.4 5/8 in.2.350 in.1.762 in.3.63 in.
70512Hand Tap2 7/8 in.53 9/16 in.4 13/16 in.2.475 in.1.856 in.3.63 in.
70513Hand Tap3 in.53 9/16 in.4 13/16 in.2.543 in.1.907 in.3.75 in.
70551Pipe Tap1 1/4 in.52 5/8 in.2 15/16 in.1.312 in.0.984 in.2.00 in.
70552Pipe Tap1 1/2 in.52 5/8 in.2 15/16 in.1.500 in.1.125 in.2.25 in.
70553Pipe Tap1 3/4 in.52 5/8 in.3 1/4 in.1.625 in.1.218 in.2.38 in.
70554Pipe Tap2 in.53 in.3 5/8 in.1.875 in.1.406 in.2.50 in.
70555Pipe Tap2 1/4 in.53 3/16 in.3 5/8 in.2.000 in.1.500 in.2.63 in.
70556Pipe Tap2 1/2 in.53 1/2 in.3 5/8 in.2.250 in.1.687 in.2.75 in.
70557Pipe Tap2 3/4 in.53 9/16 in.4 1/16 in.2.375 in.1.781 in.2.88 in.
70558Pipe Tap3 in.53 5/8 in.4 1/16 in.2.625 in.1.968 in.3.00 in.

CollisCollis Driver

Collins Drive Auburn Ca

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Center Drill Driver Positive Drive Style

#1 Morse Taper Center Drill Driver

Center Drill Driver Positive Drive Style
Wherever center drills are used, Collis Drivers will provide accuracy and durability. The unused end of the center drill is protected by the design of the driver. The positive drive style holder provides an off center spline hole in the bore which allows a positive drive using the flutes and thus protecting the cutting edge and the tip.
The projections provided are applicable on Drill, Center Drill, and Tap Drivers.

#2 Morse Taper Center Drill Driver

Center Drill Driver Positive Drive Style
Wherever center drills are used, Collis Drivers will provide accuracy and durability. The unused end of the center drill is protected by the design of the driver. The positive drive style holder provides an off center spline hole in the bore which allows a positive drive using the flutes and thus protecting the cutting edge and the tip.
The projections provided are applicable on Drill, Center Drill, and Tap Drivers.

#3 Morse Taper Center Drill Driver

Center Drill Driver Positive Drive Style
Wherever center drills are used, Collis Drivers will provide accuracy and durability. The unused end of the center drill is protected by the design of the driver. The positive drive style holder provides an off center spline hole in the bore which allows a positive drive using the flutes and thus protecting the cutting edge and the tip.
The projections provided are applicable on Drill, Center Drill, and Tap Drivers.